
Born in Bulgaria in 1986, Valery Poshtarov was fortunate to grow up in a home filled with art and poetry, thanks to his artist father and poet mother. His early education at the National High School of Arts in Varna laid the groundwork for what would become a lifelong commitment to the arts. Seeking to deepen his understanding, he moved to Paris to study Plastic Arts at the Sorbonne.

His work began to attract some attention, including a nomination for the Cartier-Bresson Award by the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Paris. Over the years, he's had the opportunity to showcase his work in a wide array of personal and collective exhibitions across Europe, Asia, and Australia.

In 2011, Valery took a step into the digital world by setting up what became Eastern Europe's first online art gallery. This venture allowed him the freedom to explore long-term projects, eventually leading to the establishment of the PhotoAnthology Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to socially impactful documentary projects.

One such endeavor was his 2022 photobook, "The Last Man Standing In The Rhodope Mountains." The project, which took 14 years and covered 985 villages, has found homes in several international collections, including the MoMA in New York City, MEP Paris and the Museum of Photography in Berlin.

His latest project, "Father and Son," has garnered international acclaim, winning the Sony World Photography Professional Awards (portraiture category), the LensCulture Portrait Awards (Juror's Pick), the Cortona On The Move Award, and being named a finalist in several prestigious competitions worldwide. The project aims to challenge societal norms around masculine intimacy shaping the shared identity of human connection and legacy.



2024 Sony World Photography Professional Awards, World Photography Organisation
winner, portraiture

2023 Cortona On The Move Award, Cortona On The Move and LensCulture

2023 LensCulture Portrait Awards, LensCulture
juror's pick

2023 Gomma Photography Grant, Gomma
third prize winner

2023 Head On Portrait Awards, Head On Foundation

2023 The Kuala Lumpur International Photoawards

2023 Meitar Award For Excellence In Photography, PHOTO IS:RAEL and the Zvi and Ofra Meitar Family Fund

2007 HCB Award, Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson
nominated by The Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Paris

Essays about my work:

When A Baby Is Born, So Is A Father by Ignacio Pereyra, Recalculating EN ES

Father and Son by Magali Duzant, LensCulture EN

Prendre Un Homme Par La Main by Mathieu Palain, Kometa FR

It’s simple, we just overcomplicate it by Roberta Bertók, Hype&Hyper EN

The Naïve Orpheus by Alis Sandalova EN


The Guardian: Sons, when did you last hold your father’s hand? Valery Poshtarov’s best photograph EN

Courrier international: Duos de famille FR

Fotopolis: Valery Poshtarov i jego poruszający projekt "Father and Son" PL

Bgonair: Роден фотограф спечели голяма международна награда BG

bTV: „Хвани ръката ми, татко“: Фотограф заснема над 300 двойки бащи и порасналите им синове BG

БНР: Фотографът Валерий Пощаров за силата да се хванем за ръка BG

Darik: Валерий Пощаров спечели международна награда за фотография на “Сони” BG

Euronews Bulgaria: Български фотограф спечели световна награда за проекта "Бащи и синове” BG

БНР: Валерий Пощаров: Винаги търсим една ръка, за която да се хванем BG

Obscura Magazine: Непреходното и хуманното във фотографията на Валерий Пощаров BG

БНР: Ръка за ръка BG

Antrakt: I don’t take photos of people, I bow to them BG EN

БГ Радио: Интервю с Валерий Пощаров за фото проекта "Баща и син" BG

ТВ1: Валерий Пощаров за много личния фото проект "Баща и син" BG

БТВ: Бащи и синове BG

Дигитални истории: Баща и син. Щафетата на живота. BG

Радио София, БНР: Да се качиш на сцената на своя живот BG

БНР: Бащи и синове ръка за ръка BG

Знаме: Бащи и синове се хващат за ръка пред камерата на Валерий Пощаров BG

Photoworld LIVE: еп. 6, гост Валерий Пощаров BG

БНР: Фотопроектът "Баща и син" идва във Видин BG

БНТ: Фотограф напомня за изгубените родови връзки BG

Вяра: Фотограф снима пораснали синове и техните бащи, хванати за ръка BG

егоист: Валерий Пощаров за фотографията и живота BG

БНР: Валерий Пощаров: Когато поставим в рамка една реалност, тя добива смисъл, добива значение BG


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* the portrait above: Valery Poshtarov by Florian Demirev, 2022

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